My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Only daughter is a intreguing mystery that keeps the reader guessing from the beginning to the interesting twist at the end.
In 2003 sixteen year old Rebecca Winter otherwise known as Bec disappeared,move forward eleven years and a unnamed woman who has just been arrested for shoplifting is claiming that she is Rebecca.The woman is reunited with Becs parents and twin brothers,moves into their house and starts getting to know Becs friends but as time goes by she slowly starts to realise that things and people are not what they seem.As she starts to investigate Becs disappearance she begins to realise that the person that took Bec is still at large and that she might be in grave danger herself.
The story alternates between the months leading up to Becs disappearance and the unnamed woman's time with Becs family and friends and also events from the woman's past.Both the woman's stories are intreguing and hold the readers interest,there were no parts of their stories that felt like padding.
The characters are all very believable especially the character of Bec,I really felt sorry for poor Bec who was just trying to get on with her life,the unnamed woman came across as confusing,one minute she was uncaring and the next she was the complete opposite.Becs family was very creepy and the cop that was leading the investigation into Becs disappearance and into if the unnamed woman was Bec or not was very aggressive at times,I hope that is not the way the police really treat someone who many have been the victim of a abduction.
It's a intreguing story that has plenty of twists and turns,this is Anna Snoektras debut book and I look forward to reading more books written by her in the future.
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