
BLOG TOUR, BOOK REVIEW - Just One More Thing by Dan Has


                                                                 BOOK DESCRIPTION

She knew any journey to recovery would take months, even years, if ever, but seeing him grovelling for mercy brought to mind not just the failure of this one man, but all the weaknesses of mankind. ‘No one is beyond forgiveness,’ she said.


The partner we no longer trust, the boss we fear, the family member we cannot tolerate. Stories exploring the psychological effect of modern life: a pregnant mother becomes convinced her husband is having an affair and will stop at nothing to get to the truth; a married man is drawn inexorably towards temptation, despite knowing it could cost him his family; a quiet man absorbs increasing pressure and stress, with devastating consequences.


Ordinary people count the cost of ‘just one more thing’.

This is a eclectic collection of stories with plots that cover a wide range of everyday issues. From mental health,control and politics to bigotry, relationships and revenge, many of the stories were highly topical and relevant to modern day society. The characters were a mixed bag of vivid, realistic individuals, some likeable,some not so likeable,each of whom had their own unique personalities and character traits. This is a very enjoyable, entertaining anthology and very,very highly recommended.

And now,as much loved Detective Columbo used to say.....Just One More Thing

TREE HOUSE - Kit was hell bent on proving to the world that he wasn't an onion by demanding that everything was done his way and that included getting rid of the ancient beech tree that had been growing for decades in the back garden of his new home. Kit was a obnoxious,stubborn individual who insisted that the tree had to go but he became so obsessed with getting his own way that he forgot one very important fact in life......that pride always comes before a fall.

SEEING IS BELIEVING - Jane was convinced that her husband Gary was having an affair. There months pregnant and struggling with her increasingly overwhelming feelings off anxiety and paranoia, she is desperate to uncover the truth for the same of her own sanity and her children. Is Gary innocent or is she going to uncover that he is just another weak example of mankind?

UNIVERSAL SUFFERAGE - George's life changed forever on the day that the UK voted to leave the European Union but not in a way that he could ever have imagined or anticipated.

VIRULENCE - Mary hated her father in law Peter, she thought he was a obnoxious,creepy, blood sucking energy drain and she only tolerated him because he was the only family Duncan had apart from her and their kids. Then the UK was forced to go into lockdown due to the Coronavirus and this gave Mary the perfect opportunity to remove a certain Peter sized problem from her families lives.

LITTLE READ - Roger was heart broken when his girlfriend Paul's left him and had hoped that if he the mysterious procedure,she would come back to him. But Roger is about to discover that there is no going back on some decisions, no matter how much you cry, pled and beg.

APPRAISAL - Harry had a very high opinion of his on self importance and thought that he knew exactly how his employees Neil and Constance's appraisals were going to pan out. But Harry was about to discover that in life,even people like Harry can be taken by surprise.

THE FAIRER SEX - THIS is a very thought provoking tale about identity and addiction. I felt a lot of sympathy for Sam due to the conflicting emotions that he was experiencing. I had mixed feelings about his wife Heidi, on one hand, I felt that her treatment of Sam was rather harsh. However, on The other hand, I cold fully understand her actions and behaviour. Nobody could honestly say how they would react unless they found themselves in the same situation.

REVENGE PORN - Audrey had only wanted to get her revenge on Graham for the emotional damage that he had inflicted on her beloved sister Virginia. But what if her sister had lied? what if things hadn't happened in the way that she insisted they did? Audrey's plans are going to alter her own journey in life and send her off in a direction that she never could have expected.

MANY HAPPY RETURNS - Jake had spent his entire life feeling unloved, criticised and bullied by his own mother. The ironic thing is, when he finally builds up the courage to tell her exactly what she is, it eventually transpires that in Jake's case...The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES - A very topical tale about one man's abuse of power and one woman's determination to outsmart him.

JUST ONE MORE THING - With mounting pressure at work, his beloved mother in the early stages of dementia and a son who was on the autistic spectrum, Colin is very close to breaking point. The line is stretched so tightly that all it is going to take is just one more thing to push him over the edge and cause him to lose control of his actions.

                                                                           AUTHOR BIO

In between his day job, bringing up three children, being run off his feet by a crazy cocker spaniel, listening to Mozart's D minor piano concerto, perfecting the art of homemade pizzas and studying Ordnance Survey maps of the Yorkshire Moors, Dom likes to write.

Dom lives in the fantastic town of Ilkley in Yorkshire, having arrived there via Bedford, Nottingham and London.

Dom has written two books, So Long, Marianne, a romantic fiction, and Just One More Thing, a book of short stories about greed, obsession and fear.

PUBLICATION DATE: 31st July 2020


Amazon - https://amzn.to/2Zj7gfr



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