
BLOG TOUR, BOOK REVIEW - The Liar's Daughter by Rona Halsall


                                                                BOOK DESCRIPTION


The call comes on an ordinary Sunday afternoon to say your sister has been admitted to hospital with a serious head injury. But you don’t have a sister… do you?


You’ve never doubted your parents. You’ve loved them without question your whole life. But your stepmother is uncharacteristically speechless, and your father isn’t well enough to understand.


So you get in your car.


Turn the key in the ignition.


Knowing everything behind you is a lie.


Not knowing what lies ahead: the truth… or something far darker?


A deliciously dark and twisty tale of deception, secrets and family ties, The Liar’s Daughter is perfect for fans of The Girl on the Train, The Woman in the Window and The Family Upstairs.


*Previously titled: The Missing Sister

This intricately plotted tale of identity, deception, family, coercion and manipulation is written in three parts. The first part is set in the present day, then the story slips back into the past and then the third part returns to the present day.

The day that Eva's life as she knew it ended had started like any normal Sunday in the house that she shared with her father Mike and stepmother Linda. Then everything changed when Linda received a phone call from a hospital in Wales informing her that Eva's sister Nancy had involved in a accident and someone was needed to pico her up and take her home. Nothing unusual about that apart from the fact that Eva didn't even n know that she had a sister called Nancy. With Linda getting all snappy and aggressive whenever Eva tries to question her and knowing that she won't get any answers from her father due to his dementia, Eva, much to Linda's horror decides that she is going to travel to Wales, pick up her sister and stay with her for a few days. She has always wanted a sister and hopes that they will develop a close relationship and Nancy will give Eva the answers to her unanswered questions. So despite Linda's attempts to change her mind, Eva jumps in her car and sets off on the journey that she sees as a big adventure and she can't wait to met the sister that she didn't know existed. Only after she has picked Nancy up and taken her to her home, Eva soon begins together if she was perhaps a bit hasty when she decided to make the trip to Wales. Her sister's moods seem to change direction faster than the winds that blew around Nancy's isolated farmhouse home. Nancy gets snappy and aggressive whenever Eva tried to question her about the past or discovers that she has been nosing around the house. At first Eva is understanding about Nancy's mood swings, reasoning that they could be due to the head injuries that she sustained during her accident. But then Eva makes a shocking discovery and decided that it is time that she returns home and that is when her situation takes a turn for the worst.

Eva was a complex character, a mixed bag of conflicting emotions and confusion which was perfectly understandable considering she had just received some devastating, life changing information. I can't say that I liked or trusted Linda from the minute that she received the phone call from the hospital. Her behaviour was almost as manipulative as another very unlikable character who had a major role in this story.

As with all Rona Halsall's thrillers this is a very well written,perfectly paced,captivating story that had me hooked in and glued to my kindle from the first page. It's a enthralling and at times atmospheric, chilling story which has a antagonist who appears so caring and friendly until their demeanour changes and they behave in ways that chill you to the bone. The plot had more twists and turns than a spiral staircase and a mind blowing, shocking conclusion. The cast of characters were vivid, well rounded and believable, the author's descriptions of Mike's decline in mental health from the adventure loving person that he was when he was younger to the pale shadow that he was in the present day were heart breaking and sadly very realistic. A very, very enjoyable, addictive story and very very highly recommended.

                                                        Author Bio:

ona lives on the Isle of Man with her husband, two dogs and three guinea pigs. She has been a bookworm since she was a child and now she's actually creating stories of her own, which still feels like a dream come true. 

She is an outdoorsy person and loves stomping up a mountain, walking the coastal paths and exploring the wonderful beaches on the Island while she's plotting how to kill off her next victim. She also makes sure she deletes her Google history on a regular basis, because... well, you can't be too careful when you spend your life researching new and ingenious ways for people to die.

She has three children and two step-children who are now grown up and leading varied and interesting lives, which provides plenty of ideas for new stories!


 Social Media Links:

To find out more about Rona's novels, go to www.facebook.com/RonaHalsallAuthor or follow @RonaHalsallAuth on Twitter.


Publication Day:  26/04/21


Buy Links

Amazon: http://ow.ly/WwuC50DCmfc

Apple: http://ow.ly/QI0j50DCmnJ

Kobo: http://ow.ly/Jb8f50DCmlU

Google: http://ow.ly/OHa550DDmxK 



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