
Book Review: Little Girl Gone by Stephen Edger

Little Girl Gone Little Girl Gone by Stephen Edger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OMG, Little Girl Gone is one hell of a roller coaster ride from beginning to end.It's a gripping thriller that holds the reader in a vice like grip that's so tight you sometimes find yourself struggling to breath.That's when you actually get an opportunity to remember to breath which is not very often due to the short,snappy chapters and non stop action.

Alex Granger had only turned her back for a moment,at least she`s fairly certain it was only a moment. But that moment was all it took for her world to be destroyed. Her two year old daughter Carol Anne has vanished into thin air.

Alex`s Husband Ray is a detective,so he is used to dealing with horrific cases but due to his personal connection with the missing child,he is forbidden from aiding the inquiry.

With no suspects,no DNA and no promising leads the investigation stalls. Then Alex receives an email telling her exactly what she needs to do if she wants to see her daughter again. As the deadline for her daughter's safe return swiftly approaches Alex must ask herself,is she really prepared to do anything to save her daughter.

Little Girl Gone is a intricately plotted,character driven psychological thriller that is told in chapters that alternate between Alex and Ray`s points of view. Alex`s panic and fear when she discovered that Carol Anne had disappeared seemed genuine but once the reader started to learn about her psychological issues you began to doubt Alex`s version of events. Despite her issues Alex definitely had more redeemable qualities than her Husband Ray who despite being a very good Detective was not a very likeable character. There was numerous suspects who may or may not have been involved in Carol Anne's disappearance,I think I suspected everyone at one point as this fast paced thriller unfolded before my eyes. What had happened to Carol Anne? Was Alex involved in her disappearance? Who was sending the terrifying messages to Alex,was she sending them to herself or getting someone to send them to her? Was Carol Anne still alive?

This absolutely AMAZING book has short,snappy chapters,many of which end on a cliff hanger and give the reader a very bad case of Just one more chapter syndrome. I was hooked in from the first page,frantically turning the pages,totally enthralled by the author`s mesmerising storytelling. I honestly didn't want to put this book down. I would love to watch a film version of this book. I think it's worth far more than five stars. Very,very good book and highly recommended by little old me.

                                                                  AUTHOR BIO

Stephen Edger has been writing crime thrillers since 2010. An avid reader, Stephen writes what he likes to read: fast-paced crime thrillers with more than a nod to the darker side of the human psyche. In all, he has published over a dozen novels – four trilogies, and the rest standalone psychological thrillers.

Stephen was born in the north-east of England, but grew up in London, meaning he is both a northerner and a southerner. By day he works in the financial industry using his insider knowledge to help shape the plots of his books. He also has a law degree, which gives him a good understanding of the inner workings of the UK justice system.

Stephen is married, and has two children and two Westie dogs. He is passionate about reading and writing, and cites Simon Kernick and Tony Parsons as major influences on his writing style.


Website : https://www.stephenedger.com

GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4973250.Stephen_Edger

Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/StephenEdger

PUBLICATION DATE : 30th November 2018

PUBLISHER : Harper Impulse/Killer Reads

GENRE : Psychological Thriller

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