
BOOK REVIEW - Like,Follow,Kill by Carissa Ann Lynch

Camilla Brown's scars run deep,both mentally and physically. She was badly scarred in a accident that resulted in the death of her husband,Chris. She is a virtual recluse,who is addicted to drink and pills and whose only friendships are the people whose picture perfect lives she follows on-line.

One person she  especially loves following is a girl who used to go to her school. Camilla is obsessed with Valerie Hutchen`s posts,her sickening joy for life and her horribly beautiful face. But then Camilla spots something shocking in one of Valerie`s posts - a man's face staring through Valerie`s window,a man who looks uncannily like Camilla`s dead husband.

And then Valerie goes missing

Camilla was a deeply flawed character who was quite often not very likeable and as the story unfolded I was never sure how reliable and trustworthy her narratives were. Through her own choice,she was a very lonely,isolated character who despite having a sister who worried about her was only interested in stalking ooops,i mean following Valerie. No one likes to feel lonely but I don't think many people who are in their right minds would travel hundreds of miles just because someone they once,vaguely knew asks for their help. Not when you stop and consider how many people hide behind their on-line personas and are not who they appear to be. There was not a very big cast of characters scattered throughout this story and most of them werent very likeable or trustworthy.

Most of the action occurs towards the end of the book but that doesn't mean that the earlier parts of the story don't hold the readers attention. There was loads of twists and turns,intrigue and the story kept you guessing and wanting to know what had happened to Valerie. This is a very enjoyable,well written thriller and the second book that I have read by this very talented author. I look forward to reading more of her gripping stories in the future.

                                                                 AUTHOR BIO

Besides my family, my greatest love in life is books. Reading them, writing them, holding them, smelling them…well, you get the idea. I’ve always loved to read, and some of my earliest childhood memories are me, tucked away in my room, lost in a good book. I received a five dollar allowance each week, and I always — always — spent it on books. My love affair with writing started early, but it mostly involved journaling and writing silly poems. Several years ago, I didn’t have a book to read so I decided on a whim to write my own story, something I’d like to read. It turned out to be harder than I thought, but from that point on I was hooked. My first and second books were released by Sarah Book Publishing: This Is Not About Love and Grayson’s Ridge. I’m a total genre-hopper. Basically, I like to write what I like to read: a little bit of everything! I reside in Floyds Knobs, Indiana with my husband, three children, and massive collection of books. I have a degree in psychology and worked as a counselor.

Twitter: @carissaannlynch
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/11204582.Carissa_Ann_Lynch

PUBLICATION DATE: 25th October 2019
PUBLISHER: Harper impulse,Killer Reads,One More Chapter
GENRE: Women's Sleuth


AmazonUK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07QK113LN?pf_rd_p=330fbd82-d4fe-42e5-9c16-d4b886747c64&pf_rd_r=JMYFF6ZGMGR441WMEY74

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