
BOOK REVIEW - The Last Thing I remember by Deborah Bee

The Last Thing I Remember by Deborah Bee

Apr 12, 16  ·  edit

it was am

OMG and just like WOW,what a brilliant book,every now and again you start reading a book that you don't want to finish,you want to know how the story is going to end but you just don't want to get there,that's how I felt about this book,its like absolutely brilliant.

Sarah is in hospital but she can't tell anyone what happened because she is in a coma.Trapped in limbo she drifts in and out of concienceness not able to feel,see or move and only occasionally being able to hear and sense what is going on around her.As she fights to wake up or do something to let her family know that she is still with them,the tension mounts as the doctors slowly give up on her ever waking up and you feel Sarah's rising despair and feelings of hopelessness as well as her raising doubts about whether she really wants to wake up.As the story unfolds and her memories return,you learn that for various reasons Sarah has not had an easy life,I felt quite a bit of sympathy for her character.

The other main character is a street wise,foul mouthed teenager called Kelly,who strangely enough is Sarah's best friend and knows a lot more about events than a lot of the other characters in the story think.Kelly may come across as tough and uncaring but deep down she is just a scared little girl who desperately wants Sarah to wake up for reasons that become apparent as the story unfolds.

The story is told in alternating chapters between Sarah and Kelly's points of view,sometimes in these types of books one of the characters chapters can be more interesting than the others but in this book both characters chapters are interesting and intriguing for different reasons.Sarah's chapters are heartstopping at times as she fights to regain consciousness and her memories slowly return plus adding to the tension is the mysterious stranger that in some of her brief moments of consciousness Sarah can sense in her room at night,what does the person want?.Kelly's chapters are quite funny at times,writing a story from the point of view of a teenager can't be easy but Kelly's character is very believable.

The story is gripping,thought provoking and for a debut book very well written,I will definitely be adding Deborah Bee to my list of authors to look out for.

Thanks so much to Bonnier publishing for a ARC of this book via netgalley

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