
BOOK REVIEW - Rebound by Aga Lesiewicz

Rebound by Aga Lesiewicz

I have mixed feelings about this book,there was parts that I liked and parts that i didn't.

I liked - The story was gripping in places,there was quite a few danger elements and the reader was made to believe that the rapist/killer could have been any one of the male characters that were introduced as the story unfolded.I loved the opening chapter,which was gripping and pulled the reader into the story which was written in two parts,the first part counting down to the event that happened in the opening chapter and the second counting up again after the event had happened.I loved Wispa the dog,what a clever name for a dog after all most people love chocolate.

I disliked - The story is told by Anna who is a television producer,she is also very selfish,self centered and for a so called highly intelligent woman does some really stupid things.She has some really good friends who she only calls when she needs something or whats someone to make her feel better about herself and she seems to think that every male that she meets finds her attractive and is going to fall in love with her,She has a very high opinion of herself and I couldn't connect or feel any sympathy for her.
The Author must really like running,wine and fine food because they are mentioned quite a lot during the story which did get a bit tedious at times especially the amount of times that Anna went running which didn't make sense especially considering what was happening at the heath where she went running.
There is a mixed bag of characters a few of which were likeable but you didn't learn enough about them to form any attachment.
The book is well written and I did enjoy the mystery element of the story,I just felt certain parts were unrealistic and I didn't feel a connection with any of the human characters.

Many thanks to Macmillan for a ARC of this book via netgalley

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