My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This review is based on a three chapter sampler.
After sixteen years apart sisters Jessica and Emily are reunited at their mother`s funeral.The grief that they both are feeling overshadows any of their issues from the past and before long Jess has moved into Emily's comfortable home.
All Is going well between the sisters until one fateful night when Emily and her husband James go to a party leaving Jess babysitting their baby daughter Daisy.When they return they discover that Daisy has mysteriously disappeared and Emily's perfect life starts to fall apart.
The book opens with a intreguing prologue that is voiced by a unknown person and then chapter one launches straight into Jess being questioned by DCI Jacobs who it looks like is going be in charge of the investigation into Daisy`s disappearance.It looks like the story is going to be told in chapters that alternate between Jess and Emily and will be voiced in the third person.How and where the two sisters are reunited is all explained in the second chapter and happens quite quickly which I was happy about,I tend to lose interest in books when things are dragged out over a number of chapters.James has a teenage daughter called Chloe who also lives with them.she is not at home in the opening chapters but I expect more will be revealed about her as the story unfolds.
I have wanted to read this book from the minute I saw it on Twitter.I really enjoyed the sample chapters and am looking forward to reading the rest of the book.
Many thanks to Orion publishing/trapeze and netgalley for a arc of this sampler
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