
Review: I Am Watching You by Teresa Driscoll

I Am Watching You I Am Watching You by Teresa Driscoll
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

                                 The Blurb

What would it take to make you intervene?

When Ellie Lovefield overhears two handsome young men flirting with two teenage girls on a train,she thinks nothing of it - until she realises that the two men are fresh out of prison.Worried about the girl`s safety she decides to call for help but something stops her.The next day she wakes up to the news that one the girls - Anna Ballard has disappeared.

A year later,Anna is still missing,Ella is wracked with guilt over what she failed to do and fearing for her life because someone is sending her threatening letters.

Then an anniversary appeal reveals that Anna`s friends and family might have something to hide.Anna`s best friend,Sarah,hasn't been telling the whole truth about what happened that night and Anna`s parents are keeping secrets of their own.

Some knows what happened to Anna - someone who is watching Ella.

                                                      My Thoughts

This at times gripping mystery is told in short,snappy clearly headed chapters by Ella (the witness) Sarah (The Friend) Henry (the father) Matthew (the private investigator) and some italicized chapters by the mysterious watcher.Ella`s chapters are in the first person point of view while the others are in the third,the swapping and changing of the perspectives didn't bother me or spoil my enjoyment of the book.I loved the short chapters and that there was a cliff hanger at the end of most of them which gave me a very bad case of just one more chapter syndrome.My favourite character was Matthew,I felt a lot of sympathy for Sarah (we have all been young and made mistakes that we regret),Luke and Anna`s mum Barbara.I found Ella`s constant habit of feeling sorry for herself and going on about her guilt annoying and rather repetitive,she was not the most likeable of people,I didn't like Henry very must either.The identity of the watcher was a surprise,I would have liked to have read more chapters told from that person's point of view and also more clues scattered throughout the story to encourage the reader to work out the person's identity by themselves.

The mystery of what had happened to Anna was intriguing and i liked the way the author kept the reader invested in her story and wanting to know what happened.I did enjoy this book but I can't give it five stars due to the constant mentioning of flowers and flower arranging,it became frustrating and repetitive and also a unnecessary bit about a fly,they added nothing to the story but that's just my opinion.

Many thanks to Thomas & Mercer for a arc of this book via netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

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