
BLOG TOUR,BOOK REVIEW - Watch Over Me by Jane Renshaw

Happily married,Flora and Neil have everything apart from the one thing that Flora feels will make her life complete,a child of their own. So they decide to adopt and are overjoyed when they are chosen to adopt a little girl called Beckie Johnson who had been removed from her birth family because they had a history of violence and criminal behaviour.

But the Johnson's don't agree with the courts decision that they were unfit to take care of a young child,as far as they are concerned, Flora has stolen their child and they are determined to get her back. The Johnson's are smart,manipulative and utterly ruthless - and they have a plan. One that will turn Flora's perfect life into a living nightmare and push her to the very edge of insanity.

After a heart breaking,shocking prologue we find ourselves in a courtroom were we have our first encounter with Lorraine Johnson and hear statements from the social worker,doctors and psychiatrists and from Lorraine herself. There had been cases were the authorities have lied which has resulted in children being removed from loving homes. But there has also been very sad cases where children have died because they have been left with abusive parents. Lorraine insists that nothing that the experts are saying is true but we swiftly discover the true nature of this family as the shocking story unfolds. When we are first introduced to Flora, she is scampering around her home making sure it is clean and tidy before the woman arrives who will decide If Flora and Neil can adopt Beckie. Her fear and anxiety was understandable but Flora also had the added pressure of a hidden secret that not even Neil was aware of. The chapters alternated between Flora and Lorraine,two women who had vastly different ideas on what it takes to be a mother and the right and wrong way to treat a child.

What Over Me isn't a fast paced story,it does take a while to get going but once it does it becomes a chilling,intense and shocking thriller. There was secrets,deception and betrayals,people who were  not who they appeared to be and a really unexpected,shocking final chapter. It was a well written thriller and I did find that it was a enjoyable read,my one and only quibble being that one of the characters spoke with a very broad Scottish accent and therefore I struggled to understand what that person was saying. But despite that I would happily read another book that was written by this author.

                                                                  About Jane Renshaw:

As a child, Jane spent a lot of time in elaborate Lego worlds populated by tiny plastic animals and people. Crime levels were high, especially after the Dragon brothers set themselves up as vets and started murdering the animals in their ‘care’. (They got away with it by propping the victims up with Plasticine and pretending they were still alive...)  As an adult, she is still playing in imaginary worlds and putting her characters through hell – but now she can call it ‘writing’ and convince herself that she is doing something sensible. In real life, she has a PhD in genetics and copy-edits scientific and medical journals.

Jane is the author of The Sweetest Poison, a crime thriller. WATCH OVER ME will be her first novel published with Inkubator Books.

Social Media:

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/JaneRenshaw10
Website: https://www.janerenshaw.co.uk/

PUBLICATION DATE: 26th January 2020

PUBLISHER: Inkubator Books
GENRE: Psychological Thriller


Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Watch-Over-Me-psychological-jaw-dropping-ebook/dp/B083KMN222/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3P0M0KPQGJLMA&keywords=watch+over+me+jane+renshaw&qid=1579179410&sprefix=watch+over+me+jane+%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-1


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